Find the "Exercises and Solutions Manual for Integration and Probability by Paul Malliavin" on Sale !
"If I were asked to recommend texts to research students who need a grounding in integration theory this book would be on the list...The book is excellent" - C. Barnett, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
This book presents the problems and worked-out solutions for all the exercises in the text by Malliavin. It will be of use not only to mathematics teachers, but also to students using the text for self-study.
Check Price & More Info >> Exercises and Solutions Manual for Integration and Probability by Paul Malliavin
Exercises and Solutions Manual for Integration and Probability by Paul Malliavin Review
This book is so helpful for several of my math classes: Real Analysis Class using Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis, Folland's Real Analysis, and Probability Class using Billinsley's Probability and Measure, and Richard Durret's books. Great!